Team of FastVāt

Bunch of Learning & Development enthusiasts at the helm, from all sorts of business backgrounds. We have one thing in common: Passion for helping you grow, fast!


Entrepreneur, certified Psychotherapist and Business Coach. Chief listener of FastVāt team, strategist and dreamer. Never says No to an adventure of mind and body. Father of three amazing human beings.


The brain behind all things science at FastVāt. Data driven and yet considered the spiritual leader of our venture by many. Speaks 5 languages and adding more as we … speak.

The Coach & Mentor Team

Far from nameless crowd, but too many to list here 🙂 FastVāt collaborates with leading coaches, trainers and consultants across cultures and geographies. You’ll meet your designated coach(es) throughout the program personally.

Get in touch with FastVāt team: